Friday, May 29, 2015

Fave Post-Partum Tonic For Weight-loss and Healing


Introducing my latest concoction:

You're welcome.
This is a drink I have been making myself and throwing back for about a week now. If you just had a baby, read on, because this recipe is a game-changing super-woman drink for you!

Up until this lovely elixir, I hadn't lost a pound in 6 weeks (other than the initial hospital weight loss). So I've been wondering what gives!?

And I'm doing what I know I should... Drinking only water, eating small healthy meals, walking, chasing toddlers, cutting out sugar. But still, Not. One. Pound.
Well at 7 weeks now, I just had my (week late) 6 week checkup - cuz ain't nobody got time for that.

Down a couple pounds! Finally! Weight stall - over.

...Could it be this drink I've been mixing up daily like a mad scientist?

 I haven't changed a thing in my diet or exercise... save adding this drink.

So maybe, maybe not. No scientific studies have been done. But on the chance that it could help some other poor weight-stuck post-partum woman I feel compelled by the laws of sisterhood to share.

This tonic really promotes vigor and well-being in general. I found a ton of info and great studies on the awesomeness of each ingredient, but I will give you the main benefits in a nutshell, and why I think it's been helping me.

lemon Juice
This contains pectin, a soluble fiber that has been shown to aid in weight loss.
It is also anti inflammatory and helps to balance PH levels (for those who care about an alkaline diet).
The anti-cancer component contained in the citrus liminoids isn't a bad side effect either.

Circumin is a property found in this spice that makes it pretty swell. Or, shall I say un-swell, because it's super anti-inflammatory and has antioxidants galore. It's even been proven to improve joint pain and arthritis. This is great news since we post-partum ladies who are fresh from the pregnancy will still have relaxin coursing through us (the hormone that relaxes joints and tissue so we can push out babies), so we can totally use help for our loosely-goosey joints. Oh, and if you find you're still rocking some baby brain you are in luck; turmeric has also been proven to improve memory in Alzheimer's patients.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Studies have shown that when taken during meals, it helps with balancing blood sugar responses. It also increases satiety, which I myself have noticed in this past week.

Coconut Water
This aids in suppressing the appetite, so that giving in to cravings is minimized. It's also going to help you hydrate better than other drinks like popular sports drinks, because it has waaaaay more potassium and waaaaay less sodium. Both good things especially if you are a nursing mamma. A side benefit is better skin for any of you suffering from the post-partum skin blues. Coconut water can help clear up and tone the skin, while providing moisture from within, without having to add oils.


Juice from one lemon
1 & 1/2  Tbsp. Apple Cider vinegar
1 cup Coconut water
1/4 tsp. Turmeric
1 can of La Croix, (flavored sparkling water) - any flavor
A few drops of stevia to taste


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

And she's back! Spring is here and so am I.

It's been a long time since I've posted on here. Too long. Months. Okay my whole pregnancy plus the last 5 weeks. I totally owe this blog an explanation since I barely wrote many posts in my brand new baby blog before I got pregnant with a real baby. But yes, for anyone who was reading (anyone?) I do still exist.

It is now May and so much has changed since I last posted back in August.

It was basically a nightmare pregnancy and I stopped posting because let's face it, I was merely just trying to survive through it. But I won't bore you with the pregnancy details.

Just kidding. You're gonna hear it ALL.

I ended up getting severe  Hyperemisis Gravidarum. Hyper-what you ask? Basically the sickness that Princess Kate Middleton gets while preggo. The one where you vomit ten times a day? That's the one. For a few days I couldn't even keep down water. I could not manage my boys at all let alone write in a blog. My one mission became just to make sure they were fed and didn't kill each other. I laid on the couch in helpless isolated misery for weeks, vomiting and going in and out of fevers.  If I had them partially dressed for the day it was a bonus.

The nausea started to lift at around 23 weeks. Ironically, this is when my symptoms for Choleostasis of the the liver began. I developed a pregnancy-induced liver disorder with tormenting itching. Also known as ICP. I was jaundice for a bit and had no energy. And it was like things were under my skin. The worst of it happens at night, y'know, so you don't get to sleep before having to wake up with quarreling toddlers. I scraped myself with metal objects just to get to that horrible itch. I had open sores on my palms and my feet. I am so grateful for my beautiful baby. But I am so, SO glad that pregnancy is over.  There I am below, about a week before I gave birth..... so over being pregnant.
37 weeks
So there you go, my horrific pregnancy in a nut-shell! Oddly, I still want maybe one more baby. But way, way down the road. Maybe in 5 years. To be continued on that one.

What else is new with our family?

For starters, we did not move to Texas. Instead, when I was 3 months pregnant we found a really good deal on a house in the country that had 1.5 acres and 3 outbuildings (barn, extra garage, and chicken coop). Since our townhouse lease was up in October and we were expecting another child, we decided it was time for more room. And somewhere for our boys to run around freely like the little wild Amazon men they truly are.

Here it is, the day we got it.  Finally some elbow room! Living in 900 square feet was getting cramped.

The boys can do "country" things now like play under the neighbor's tractor across the dirt road. Formerly, tractors only existed on TV and in books, so the boys are pretty much in heaven these days.  My husband bought six chickens a week after I gave birth. We don't know anything about raising chickens, or living in the country for that matter, so we are winging it (excuse the pun) and thanking God for you-tube tutorials.


 To add to our country move, I started teaching piano at a music shop and now have 6 students. We do still want to go to Texas (for a number of reasons) one day, but for now we are here.

And the biggest news of course is that I had my baby! She was born April 7th at 2:16 pm and is absolute sweet baby perfection!