Hello from the worst blogger in the world. I know, it's been like 2 months. 3? But who's counting. During all this time since my last post, I've basically been running around non-stop. Momming-it-up. With rarely a moment to myself. Just no time to write a post. Not much is new, but SO MUCH has happened. I feel like I live a conveyer-belt life of cleaning, cooking, nursing, schooling, and potty-training.
Our Florida move in date is March 31st. I will be flying down with Shepard and the baby. I am in the throws of Minnesota country cabin fever. Oh my gosh! No woman was made to live an isolated country winter life with 4 littles. So this upcoming move gives me so much hope!!!
Sometimes I look around me and am in awe of the vivid winter beauty, complimented by the quiet country-side. It really is gorgeous out here. Were I an old person, this would be phenomenal! I picture myself, leisurely walking out of my house and driving into town for coffee simply because I can. With zero two-year-old tantrums.
But, with all little ones, they pretty much keep me trapped in the house. Someone is always sick during cold and flu season. I am not free to come and go for other adult interaction. Therefore, I can't wait to have closer neighbors and get to know them, or just to have some sort of community. Civilization here I come!
Despite trying times, I am grateful for much. For example, my ever-happy husband just changed another huge baby blow-out with a smile on his face and all the jokes as usual. He is just totally amazing as a father and husband. Occasionally he takes me out on dates. Lately we have been taking one of the boys when we go. We have been hitting up The Tavern, under the old Hotel in our cute little town. I must say I live for those times - right now I live for getting out.
Sometimes my attempts at a gratefulness life-approach wanes. Ironically the biggest ways I regain my gratefulness is when something crappy happens. When the washing machine brakes down and isn't fixed for a few weeks. When the washing machine broke twice in December, and then life felt suddenly easier once I had a working one again! Suddenly I just reveled in the wonders of the modern day dishwashing machine - whereas I usually take it for granted.
Speaking of December, in the first week of that month, my older 3 kids got lice. it was a nightmare. The school called me to pick my boys up, because their heads were crawling with vermin. In fact all 3 of my older kids had it and I had a few nits myself. Only Brandon and the baby were good. When I got that call, I felt like I just couldn't handle much more stress. I knew I would have no helpers (cuz its lice) and Brandon worked late. The thought of breastfeeding while delousing all of us just sank my stomach. So I pep-talked myself on the way to the boys' school.
"This may be as bad as it ever gets again. They will never all four be this little again, in winter, with lice, ever again." I told myself. "This is one of those times I just have to be strong. I can either do this cheerfully or with grumbling, but either way it's unavoidable. Find a way to laugh about this!"
It took me 3 hours to delouse every kid plus myself. I had one kid in the bathtub with the shampoo thing setting, while delousing another, and wearing the baby and trying to cook dinner. All while running back and forth stripping beds and couch cushions. Then in the next two days I did 12 loads of laundry. On the third day I deloused every kid again and found more lice. I then had to do everything all over again. But this time, with half a bottle of wine.
Finally, I bit the bullet and called in professional help. An organization called "The Minnesota Lice Lady" came and helped me and they really knew their stuff!
So this winter has been a hard one, I can't sugar-coat it. but I must say I'm probably a stronger woman for it! And now it's all behind me. Yay end of February! And now I have more reasons to feel grateful. Because nearly every day I think to myself, "No one has lice right now. Thank God!!!"