Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thursday Things vol.2

Welcome to Thursday Things! Where I post some pretty sweet stuff that I'm super excited about, and that I think you need in your life.  I can't do this every single Thursday, because country living messes with my consumerism endeavors. But a few times a month you can expect some glorious life-bettering gems riiiiight here in this awesome blog. ;) 

Manuka Honey
I'm really liking this medicinal honey for my kids. You can read about the benefits here. Trader Joe's was the cheapest I found it. Last week my 6 year old had tonsillitis and they were super red and swollen. He said he couldn't swallow and didn't want to eat. I kept giving him a teaspoon of this honey throughout the day (about 4 times), sometimes putting it into hot licorice tea for him. After two days of this his throat was all better!  This honey is UMF 10 but if you want the top medical grade honey you'll need to buy it elsewhere to get UMF 20. 

Silk n' Flash Pro

I love this thing so much. At-home laser hair removal for the win! My husband bought it for me two years ago but I only used it for one year so far - I was too afraid to use it while pregnant. I don't know if it could actually harm a fetus but out of paranoia I still abstained. It's an ironic little tool, because it takes time to use but it also saves me on shaving time. I am happy to report that I can now go a few weeks without having to shave at all. Showers are quick!

Jeans for my boys with double layering on the knees!!

Ive written before about how wild my boys are. When I first found out I was having a second boy I remember thinking how convenient it would be clothing-wise. So many hand-me-downs will happen I thought. They'll be cheap to dress, so that's fun. 
I was wrong because my oldest blows through his clothes like a tornado through Kansas. He's so active that there are holes all over every pair of pants. He will also wear through the soles of every pair of shoes we buy no matter how expensive we buy. I can't really fix the shoe problem, but I feel like I outsmarted his maniac energetic clothes-ruining-powers with this find. Other than church pants, these are the one pair I've been able to pass down to his brother in a loooong time! 
What mom doesn't want pants for her son with double-fabric on her boy's knees? What boy doesn't want lightening bolts on his knees? It's a win for all. These are H&M Skinny jeans. I'd like to note that you can't find them online and have to go to the store for these. 

This perfect post-partum shirt...

That's me at 8 months pregnant - tryin stuff on. Forgive the terrible lighting, I'm inside the dressing room at Victoria's Secret. I bought this tunic in two colors because it worked for pregnancy and also it turns out its great for the two-shirt breastfeeding method since the sides are partially open. 

Chocolate Coffee

It goes right in your coffee pot just like when you make coffee. I bought this for later in the day when I don't want much caffeine. It also has way more antioxidants than coffee. This would make a great unique gift, and it's
 Just plain cozy to sip on during the winter months!

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