Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Secret Ingredient Cinnamon Apple Muffins - (gluten, dairy, and sugar-free)

Fall has arrived....

We're talking apples. We're talking applesauce. We're talking pumpkins, baking, leaves, and back-to-schoolness.

 Today my boys both went to school together and oh my goodness it was bittersweet. We now have a kindergarten and a first-grader.  I am actually writing this while waiting for them to get off their country bus.  Last year I home-schooled my son (who just turned 5) for preschool.  It's now Skipper's first day of kindergarten. Alllllll day I've been thinking about it.


Is he okay in his new little classroom? Is he missing me? Is he making any new friends? Is he calling people "skunk" out of total social awkwardness? (He does this).  He is so sensitive and tender, a bit self-conscious. Fine; he's a little bit of a momma's boy too. I nursed this kid for 19 months... and I will always have him freeze-framed as my little hungry boob-man.

Coming home from the bus down our long driveway
Anyway, I promised you muffins! 

These are not your grandma's muffins. That's because these babies are friendly on your gut. The flour I used is green banana flour. It's amazing. I know, the word "banana" makes it sound so sugar-filled - but it's not. Green bananas: way different thing. 

***By the way, you can always sub with oat flour***. I just like green banana flour a lot. 

This flour has a Low glycemic index, so it's really kind to your blood sugar. Yay! Plus it's relatively low in calories per serving, which is always cool.  I've been baking with this flour for months now. (I've made so many pancakes with it). I've found it needs to be combined, at least in some small way with other flours though in order for it to work best.

Lovely nutrition facts amiright?
I found this flour at my local grocery store but Amazon has it too.

** Note to my Trim Healthy Momma friends... this recipe would be an E. **


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. 
Combine the dry ingredients on a bowl:

1 C Banana flour (or oat flour)
2 Tbsp coconut flour
1/4 C  Ground Flax Meal
1 tsp Baking powder
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1/8 tsp xanthum gum
1 Tbsp Cinnamon

Now combine the wet ingredients together in a separate bowl:

1/2 Tbsp butter or oil
1/2 C applesauce
1 egg
1/4 C egg whites
1/2 tsp butter extract
1/2 tsp. maple extract
1/2 C  Truvia sugar blend (or to taste)
1/4 C Truvia brown sugar blend
1 green apple, chopped and peeled. 

Fold the wet ingredients into the dry. The banana flour always ends up having this sort of carmel color. 

Bake for 25 minutes. Ahhh smell that cinnamon goodnesss!

These were soooooo good! Had three for breakfast with butter the next morning. Yum!

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