Monday, July 28, 2014

Toddler Moms - What's Your Escape Plan?

I have two toddlers, so when I have a free, unscheduled day I think of all the endless things we could do... the park, zoo, so-and-so's house, that newly renovated play-place. I get all excited until I think, "Wait, how will I get them to leave when it's time to go?"  I'm exhausted just thinking about it and my heart just skipped a beat.  
My three year old could win a medal for his tantrums and while I love him to pieces, and am extremely proud of his many amazing qualities; he is just one of those children that are "more" to handle. But that's another post for another time. (Shout out to parents of the strong-willed!) Those kid places are all fine in theory but what about when it's time to say good-bye and get them home? 
Meltdowns.  World War VIII people.
   What? A new splash pad in my city? Yesssss - I'm so there it's insane. Oh wait, no I'm not. Because I'm so daunted by the thought of attempting to take them home that all fun-appeal is lost. Images surface of my 3 year old running into traffic shouting "NO!  I don't wanna goooo!"  While I fight with an (oddly strong) arched-backed 1 1/2 year old into his car seat as he screams into my ear. 
  I wish I could just hire someone to come help get them in the car when it's time to leave just for 10 minutes. "The NEW ten-minute nanny!" That could be a thing. Actually it really should be.  So while I wait for that to take off I need a plan now. 
   We have actually never been to Chucky Cheese.  Simply because I shudder at the thought of tantrums combined with flickering lights/chaotic noise.  I also will not go to the mall or a grocery store alone with both boys, unless I have my husband or another adult for help. But that makes things kind of limiting for the boys and I.
How I would love to set off some kind of white smoke bomb while I scoop them and their stuff into the car so they're too bewildered to tantrum. Kidding! Obviously that's not going to happen, but I do welcome any safe ideas that are equally brilliant.  So what do you do to get that coveted smooth place-to-car transition?


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