Thursday, February 4, 2016

Daddy's Working Late. 10 Ways to Handle It Like A Boss.

It's 5 0'clock, and you're ready to get off work now. But you stay home with children, so there's no relief until he gets home. Hubby just called and said it'll be a late one. The kids are already melting down now though - they have already watched enough TV earlier in the day...what do you do?

So many options really. None that you can think of though, because you're fried, so your brain doesn't work anymore.

It's gonna be okay. Simply refer to this list. Because momma got you.

We live in the frozen tundra of Minnesota, so when my husband was going to be home late again and all three kids were acting over-stimulated and bouncing off the walls 6pm-style, the light-bulb went off for a great idea.

I just shut it down. Literally. All the lights. Out and off. Candles only. The effect was wonderful! All children suddenly became chill... calmer and mellowed. I recommend you try this next time you feel desperate for evening peace. I did feel slightly like a cloistered nun from the baroque period, but I was okay with that.

Want some more ideas? Okay, I'm going with the easy stuff here.

1 - Give them a few slabs of duct tape and have them do "duct tape masks" with you. My kids just think its absolutely hilarious to put it over their own mouths and try to talk through it. I'm hoping CPS doesn't come knocking on my door for this because I do realize how bad this sounds lol. But hey, I do it with them, and they are dexterous enough to be able to take off the tape whenever they want (and they do) - they just want to hear themselves talk through it and hearing themselves laugh with it on makes them laugh even more... yet, in a blissfully muffled way. Brilliant!

2 - An easy one, but for the truly fried mom-brain. When in doubt give a bath. Add a straw.

3 - Let them build forts.

4 - Give them each a laundry basket to sit in. They can pretend they're boats in the ocean. you can be way off somewhere on land.

5 - My five year old likes playing "cups". its just 1 cup of water on a cookie sheet (for spills). Give a few other cups of various sizes, add a funnel, a turkey baster, measuring cups if they want. Buckwheat will spend 45 minutes just pouring the water in and out of these different things.

6 - Cleaning. They do it, not you. My 3 yr old likes to push the vacuum on the kitchen floor, Skipper thinks it's fun, and hey - it's not like things can get any messier. My 5 year old thinks doing the dishes is the best. Even though nothing actually gets clean. But he is my water baby. Water soothes him, which makes the whole house more pleasant.

7 - Jobs. Think of small "jobs" they can do, then pay them with quarters for piggy banks so that they can save up for toys. Never too early to learn money management!

8 - Play dough. Rolling pin. Cookie cutters.

9 - Blanket rides. Because who wouldn't enjoy being dragged across the wooden floor on a blanket?

10 - Balloon Walks. I've been known to blow up two balloons, draw a dog/cat faces on them, tie a very long ribbon on, and give them to the kids to walk around the house. It's creepy how much they enjoy it.

And remember, YOU CAN DO THIS!

I hope this list gives some poor tired mom some relief - Hang in there sister!

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