Monday, October 9, 2017

Moving To Florida Soon - Trusting a Wild God

"God is our provider, and we just have to trust Him."  This is what my husband has said to me many times when Im wondering when the money will come in for a need we have.

"We walk by faith, not by sight."

Financially, we actually do okay and it's been this way for the past several years.   I'm super proud of my hard working husband. He has his own business in remodeling (specializing in bathrooms).

But I still remember having to trust Him for things like food and gas.  In the first few years of our marriage we were often broke, and then, often miraculously God would provide.  Time and time again we have these crazy stories of provision.

Well now we're not in need anymore.  God has blessed us. If we need clothes or food or something we can always afford it. The endless diapers are no big deal.

Except that we are soon moving our family of six across the country to Florida, from Minnesota.

We don't even know anyone there, but last February it was something we felt on our hearts and we have solidified this by telling our landlord that we will be out no later than January 30th.

Brandon always has a steady flow of work but a move like this will take signing up a big job. So for a few months now I've been praying for the means to come in so we can leave.

There is a part of me that feels like Im still pregnant - but it's only with anticipation for things to fall into place.  If the money didn't come in then we would still be totally fine money-wise to just move across town. But it's Florida we feel led to go to.

While things may sound like theres a lack of stability in waiting on The Lord... There's actually not.  It is a dependable thing to know that He is always good, and He is sufficient. We do serve a wild God though. Anyone who's ever cracked open their bible open knows this is fact. The reality of life is that nothing is actually guaranteed. Nothing. The idea of safety and insurance in the human way that we think of it is a total and complete illusion.

So while I wait, and as I anticipate....I can only be thankful that life is this exciting. Either way I know we will be taken care of.

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