Friday, April 8, 2016

I'm Flyng to New Mexico With Three Kids Under 5.

So this should be interesting! The five of us are going down there on Saturday to stay with my mom. I grew up doing this every few years. (My mom's parents live there). Of course back then I had zero responsibility.
Part of me is sooooo psyched for the SUNSHINE. The desert walks with my mom. Playing cards at night with my 95 year old Grandpa... and the sheer magic that seems to glow from the Sandia's mountains at sunset. I love New Mexico.
The other part of me ( the mom-part) feels slightly terrified. It's just a cross-country vacay for crying out-loud. Why do I feel like I'm about to go cliff-diving? My feelings may be valid for a few reasons.... like I've never taken a baby on a plane. Or a baby, a three year old, and a five year old altogether for that matter. Hopefully I can keep them all entertained and calm. I'll have to write a follow-up post when we get there.
For now I'm in planning mode: How to keep them happy on the plane, and how to keep them from tearing up the home of elderly ppl who are used to the sounds of silence and the evening news.
1. Bring an ipad. And earphones
2. Bring allergy medicine. Yep - I'm that kinda mom.
3. Bring the one-minute hour-glass timer )for one-minute time-outs)
4. Fave books.
5. Fave baby toys
6. Suckers for the kids. And baby granola bars. Just lots of snacks. And all the bottles.
7. Bring the baby carrier
Gosh I just don't know what else. If anyone has tips do let me know!

Thankfully my husband is coming with. :) Will keep you posted!

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