Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Thankful Thursdays Vol. 1

Around here, Thankful Thursday's is something I do for my own benefit. To get myself to take a minute and put a positive spin on life. And just maybe I can spread around some positivity while I'm at it.

This week, I am thankful for:

1) Cloth diapers.
I'm on my third baby but this our first time using them. We bought them for when money is tight. Money is now tight.

2) The new YMCA that opened up. It's actually been here six months but I didn't know about it and thought that the nearest one was a half hour away. We checked it out two days ago. It was glorious!

3) An entire field of peonies! The farmers next to us happen to have these gorgeous red and pink flowers going on for an entire huge field right next to our yard! It's so picturesque with our barn there in sight.

4) A new piano student. So there I was yesterday, breastfeeding openly in our front yard in a chair by the fire pit. Because we live in the middle of no-where so who's gonna see me right? Wrong. An SUV pulls up to my horror and it was not a mirage. My neighbor from a mile down the road came with her ten year old daughter to introduce us and ask if she can start lessons with me next week. "Haha... Hiiiiiiii" with my boob out. Akwaaaard. We start next week.

5) It bears mentioning:  my two yr old just went all half a day wearing big boy underwear and not wetting his pants once.  Then he randomly said "okey-dokey" and I have no idea where he got that. So proud!

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