Saturday, September 9, 2017

Everything I'm dying to do when I'm no longer pregnant

Why am I writing this post? Straight up morale. I need to encourage myself because right now, I am a full human incubator ready to pop. Help meeeeee....

There is much about pregnancy that I am so over. I cannot wait to be done! But hey - I am almost there. I mean clearly there is a reason pregnancy only lasts 9 months.  

Of the many many things I miss about life being non-preggo, I thought I'd list a few of them.  You don't know what you have till it's gone!  I have been having contractions now for almost two weeks. Every day, almost every hour.  I am literally writing this list to pass the time.  

I'm 38 weeks today. GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME. 

Yoga - Oh man, I miss how spry I normally feel in my yoga body. After a great hot yoga session. I normally do yoga a few times a week when not pregnant. 

Alcohol. - Let's face it: need a strong drink. No, not wine. A long island iced tea is in order as soon as I can get out somewhere after I birth this huge watermelon taking up my stomach. 

Normal bodily movement - Just turning over in bed without that being a whole huge process.  Bending to pick things up without pain, etc. 

Comfortable Cuddling.  I want to sit my 6 yr old on my lap and cuddle him. He is very intense, very needy. He needs that kind of affection I think. Except my lap is taken up by a beach-ball sized belly currently. 

Putting my feet up while the kids play, enjoying loooots of contractions currently. Are they here to stay??? Please God let this be labor!

Less physical pain in general - No more migraines!!!! Here is hoping. And not doing my super weird "I'm constantly pregnant every 2 years" mom-walk ....which is a well-developed hybrid of a waddle/limp - because this sciatic pain is no joke.


  1. Yes! Baby #3 is 2 weeks old. Being able to roll over in bed is wonderful �� and have a drink!

    1. Haha, that is so great to hear! I know it's my 4th but I swear I forgot what 'normal body feels like.
