Friday, March 11, 2016

Easy Chocolate Peanut Butter "Candybar" Crisps (SF, GF, DF)

Here is a snack to keep in the freezer that you can make with your 5 year old!

There is no sugar, and lots of protein and healthy fats. These are really good and taste like reeses/ kit-kat. I must hold back, lol.

First you'll need to make the chocolate coating.  If there are any Trim Healthy Momma followers, that would just be skinny chocolate. But for those who don't know what the heck I'm talking about, do this:

Chocolate Coating:
Melt the oil, then mix all this together...
2 Tbsp coconut oil
1 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
Pinch of sea salt
Sweeten to taste with any sugar-free sweetener. I do a mix of xylitol and stevia.

Now, set out your gluten free rice or corn cakes. I had my 5 year-old smear a dollop of peanut butter on each one.

Now drizzle on that chocolaty goodness!
Put them in the freezer to set. The chocolate coating will harden over like that magic shell chocolate from the grocery store. Just keep them in the fridge or freezer as they can melt if out longer than 5 minutes.

Yum! So easy, and my son got to "help" mommy. These are something I use as treats for the boys, minus the sugar high. ;)

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